Image Optimization in Astro with Astro ImageTools

This page demonstrates the usage of the astro-imagetools library with live examples.




The layout property tells the image to respond differently depending on the device size or the container size.

Select a layout below and try resizing the window or rotating your device to see how the image reacts.


The placeholder property tells the image what to show while loading.

Internal Image

The following is an example of a reference to an internal image in the src directory (../images/elva-800w.jpg).

A father holding his beloved daughter in his arms

External Image

The following is an example of a reference to an external image (

A random image

Image in /public

This image is in the public directory (/images/public.jpeg).

A random image

Learn More

You can optionally configure many more things!

Checkout the Astro ImageTools documentation to learn more.